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Once Through Steam Generator 310 Mmbtu OTSG

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Once Through Steam Generator 310 Mmbtu OTSG


Listing ID 54057
Company Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Status For Sale
Year Built 2014
Condition A

Equipment Information

Manufacturer TIW Western Inc

Pricing Information


Serial Numbers



Operating Area Stock


Unused, and actively preserved, OH-330-4-4P-1600-MG Steam Generator

Size: 310 Mmbtu - Rate: 183 m3/hr or 4400 m3/d - Pressure: 11MPa

o 30 m stack

o Thermon TC 1818a processor mounted on a swing out panel

o 360 degree environmental platform

o Stack and transition shrouding c/w insulation

o Access platform for stack damper

o FW and steam piping with insulation; outdoor piping with heat tracing &

insulation (EHT controller by buyer)

o One PORV and two PSV on the steam discharge line

o Quick connect hub connections for pigging of radiant and economizer sections

o Steam flow measurement and instrumentation for online quality measurement

o Local burner management control complete with standalone BMS

o Manual sampling station for steam quality measurement

o 4” SA-335-P22 coils in radiant; 4” SA-335-P22 shock rows and low fin rows in the

convection section, and 4” SA=106 Gr. C pipe in convection section

o Utility airline to supply purge air to the site ports and flame scanners

Contact Information


Asset Recovery
Canadian Natural Resources Limited

2500, 855 - 2 Street S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4J8
